Wills are essential if you would like to dictate how your property and assets are to be divided after your death. If you do not have a valid legal Will upon your death then your property and assets will be divided based on a fixed formula. At Hardings Gulhane Solicitors our fees for preparing a Will includes a thorough interview to ensure that we prepare a valid legal Will that addresses all of your concerns. We do not advise that our client prepare a Will without obtaining detailed legal advice first. We can provide Wills to accommodate any situation such as appointing guardians for your children or dividing your estate amongst charities.
Our standard Will fee is $700.00 + GST per person.
Standard Wills for a Couple $900.00 + GST (2 Wills).
Please contact us for an appointment.
Updating your Will
We advise our client to update their Will at least every 5 years and earlier if any major changes occur to their circumstances: Examples of such changes in circumstances are as follows:
Children or more children;
Acquisition of a business;
Acquisition of a property or an investment property;
Accumulation of substantial debts;
An appointed executor under the Will dies, becomes ill or no longer wishes to act;
Death of a beneficiary under the Will;
Divorce; and
The law surrounding divorces, separation and re-partnering affects your Will and we recommend that you immediately update your Will following such a situation.
Testamentary Trusts
A testamentary trust is created by a Will and provides a range of options in distributing your estate to your beneficiaries, such as tax-effective distribution and control over the allocation of funds to children or otherwise, as the case may be.
Please contact us for a consultation so that we can discuss what will work best for your situation.
From $1,200.00 + GST.
Powers of Attorney
A Power of Attorney is a document where you give a person the right to make decisions for health and/or financial matters on your behalf.
We provided both of the below types of Powers of Attorney:
General Power of Attorney: where you give your attorney the right to make financial decisions for a specific period or event. This Power of Attorney ceases to provide your attorney such right once you lose capacity to make decisions;
Enduring Power of Attorney: We often recommend an Enduring Power of Attorney is entered into as it continues to give your Attorney rights even after you lose capacity.
There are many variables regarding how your attorney or attorneys make decisions and we will discuss these with you in our detailed consultation.
Our fees for Enduring Powers of Attorney are $395.00 + GST per person.
Advance Health Directive
An Advance Health Directive (“AHD”) is a document that outlines what medical treatment or health care you want if you can no longer make decisions for yourself. An AHD is made pursuant to section 44(2) of the Powers of Attorney Act 1998. It differs from a Power of Attorney as it can include specific information for health professionals such as conditions, allergies and religious, spiritual or cultural beliefs. If required an AHD can also detail the quality of life that would be acceptable for you.
Please contact our office for an appointment so that we can provide you with further legal advice.
Advance Health Directive $395.00 + GST.