Every family law matter is different and in some cases we must initiate an application in either the Federal Circuit Court of Australia or The Family Court of Australia to assist in resolving your matter.
There are many reasons why people need to use the Court facilities to help resolve their matter, such as:
to get a response from an ex-partner who will not participate in negotiations;
to urgently secure property;
to urgently seek funds to support yourself or your children;
to urgently obtain care of your children;
to secure your interest in property;
to resolve complex issues.
We are experienced in all family law litigation including mediation which is a requirement during the Court process. If you have been served with an Initiating Application in the Court then we can advise you of the process and the next step you must take. If you have been served we suggest that you urgently contact our office to arrange an initial free consultation.
Legal fees naturally increase if a family law matter proceeds to Court. We provide regular updates in regard to our legal fees and place importance on being transparent with our fees throughout the process.